1) Pressure-free phenomenon. 

Practice environments are primarily free of pressure. As a result, the player is more loose and focused, which usually leads to better performance. Failure is not seen as that big of a deal, which limits the negative thought processes. Practices take on a different meaning; development of new skills, getting reps, practicing habits/routines, etc. 

Part II will take a look at how practice pressure is a necessary part of training, and ways to create a pressure environment.

2) Process > outcome.

Players are more focused on the process-oriented goals, while outcomes take a back seat. The thought process in practice shifts entirely, and players become more engaged with bite-sized chunks of goals rather than the bigger picture. In turn, the mind has more room for developmental processes to take place, and is not clouded by expectations and thoughts of winning/losing.

Part II offers strategies on how to balance process and outcome goals during competition, and effective ways to maintain a growth mindset during performance.

3) Limited stinkin' thinkin'.

Players get frustrated in practice, but generally speaking, the frustration expires after a shorter period of time than in competition. The weight of failure/frustration is not as heavy, which allows the player to move on to the next process. Practice represents an opportunity to "fail", and players are more likely to take chances/risk, or try out new things without negative thought repercussions.

Part II will provide insight on how to bring a practice mindset to competition, and how a player can learn from himself/herself in practice situations to help in matches/games.